Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PHHP Phyto Fiber

1 box contains 15 sachets of Phyto Fiber
Price: RM 85 (W.M)
RM 90 (E.M)
Suitable: For those who really wants to lose weight, having constipation problem etc.

Product info: Phyto Fiber is a mixture of dietary fiber from fruits and plants which is blended scientifically and to be consumed as a juice drink. It is an effective colon cleanser and a good choice for weight control

PHHP Phyto Green

1 Box contains 15 sachets of Phyto Greens
Price: RM 110 (W.M)
RM 115 (E.M)
Product details: Phyto Green is good for our body cells as it help to maintain and balanced our body nutrition as it contain higher value of nutrients.

PHHP Ophira Collagen

I Box contains 30 sachets of Ophira Collagen
Price: RM 160 (W.M)
RM 169 (E.M)
Product details: This Ophira Collagen is suitable for everyone. It helps to promotes healthy hair, healthy nails, strengthens muscle flexibility, strengthen bones, help prevent osteoporosis and improves joint flexibility. For skin beauty, it helps in delay aging process, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, enhances radiance, promotes suppleness & smoothness, reduces pigmentation, increases hydration and brighten the skin.


Everytime I went for shopping, I cannot find any women clothes that can fit me. This is the major problem that I always faced as an overweight. I have tried so many slimming products in the market but it didn't work at all. Until one day, I found this phyto fiber and give it a try. It is so amazing. It is really effective. After few months consumed it, I manage to shed few kilos. I'm really happy for the result and start recommended it to my friends. So, for those who are overweight out there, I strongly recommended this phyto fiber, it does not only help you losing weight but at the same time it help you to stay healthy.

Nancy, K.L


Pelbagai cara, teknik, senaman dan ubat-ubatan telah saya cuba demi untuk menguruskan badan. Namun semua itu tidak berjaya dan mendatangkan apa-apa hasil. Setelah diperkenalkan oleh rakan saya mengenai produk phyto fiber ini dan melihat keberkesanannya dan perubahan yang dialami oleh rakan saya, tanpa ragu-ragu saya terus mencubanya. Dan kesannya sangat menakjubkan. Setelah tiga bulan menggunakannya, saya dapat merasa perubahan ke atas diri saya. Selain berjaya menurunkan berat badan, badan saya juga semakin sihat. Saya akan terus menggunakan produk ini dan memperkenalkan ia kepada kawan-kawan dan saudara mara saya.

Rozita, Kuantan


Saya mengalami masalah sembelit yang serius, seminggu sekali atau kadang-kadang sehingga hari ke sepuluh baru saya dapat membuang air besar. Keadaan ini sangat merisaukan saya. Pelbagai ubat sembelit telah saya cuba, namun ia tidak berkesan. Sehingga saya menemui produk ini dan mencubanya. Ia sangat mujarab. Phyto Fiber ini bukan saja membantu menyelesaikan masalah sembelit saya, tetapi pada waktu yang sama juga ia telah membantu mengurangkan berat badan saya. Sekarang ini badan saya semakin ringan dan saya sangat gembira dengan perubahan ini. Dengan menggunakan produk ini, saya dapat membuang air besar setiap hari dengan lancar tanpa mengalami kesakitan lagi. Terima kasih Phyto Fiber....

Aina, Selayang

1: What is fiber?

Fiber is part of plants that cannot be digested by humans. It provides plants their strength and structure. Fiber is found in grains, cereals, oats, fruits, vegetables, psyllium husk, nuts, seeds and legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils). However, fiber found only in plant kingdom, while animals like meat, fish and milk products do not contain fiber.

2: Why is fiber important?

Health experts believe that health begins in the colon, and supplying your body with adequate fiber everyday is essential to bowel and colon functions. Fiber promotes good digestive health and prevent constipation along with its potential complications. Diets high in fiber also help to control weight by making you feel full longer after a meal and less likely to snack.

3: Who needs fiber?

Everyone should consume fiber daily especially for those diabetics, overweight or obese populations.

4: How many fibers should I consume daily and how to consume?

Nutrition recommendations are for 20-35 grams total of all types of fiber per day. Adding fiber gradually to your diet, you are also encouraged to drink more fluids when you increase the amount of fiber you eat. The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day.

5: How long do they take to work?

You should notice the beneficial effects within 8-12 hours because everyone's system is different.

6: How does fiber affect the intestine tract?

Fiber will enhance the peristaltic movement of gastro-intestinal tract. Its gummy substance can lubricate the intestine to help the stool elimination and promotes healthier intestine.

7: Can fiber really help me to control body weight?

Fiber will prolong the retention of food in the stomach and provide a sense of fullness. These actions can help you limit calories. Besides that, a healthy diet and regular moderate exercise is also very important to help a person to control body weight.

8: Can high-fiber diets produce mineral deficiencies or remove "good" bacteria?

Current studies indicate that fiber does none of this. In fact, friendly bacteria actually feed on fiber and thrive in a high-fiber diet.

9: Will there be any side effect if we consume high fibre supplementary food in long terms?

If the high fiber supplementary food is made from natural ingredient, it won't be like some taxative will loosen your intestinal tract, in reverse, fiber will enhance the peristaltic movement of gastro-intestinal tract, promotes healthier intestine and its function. So, you can consume it freely.

10: Why do some people have the feeling of dehydration after taking high fiber product?

It is because they do not take enough water, as fiber is capable in absorbing water, so it will sometimes cause you that feeling. It is easy to solve this problem by taking enough water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. In addtion, you can take some supplementary food in order to replace the lost electrolytes through water.

11: For people who want to lose weight, besides taking fiber, what advice on food should they take as precaution?

Make sure having balanced diet in order to meet the daily requirement. They should prevent high calories and high fat food such as fried food and high starchy food. On the other hand, fresh fruits and vegetables are good for them, as these foods are low in calories but high in minerals and vitamins, which will enhance the functions of body.

12: Does fiber enhance beauty?

Dietary fiber helps our body in colon cleansing and reduces the absorption of toxin. In addition, besides fiber, some food (like roselle) are also rich in vitamin C, so it possesses certain beauty enhancement.

1: What are the major ingredients of Phyto Greens?

There are Chlorella, Spirulina, Dunaliella Salina Algae, Kelp, Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Chicory Roof, Green Tea, Brown Rice Bran, Apple Fiber and Lecithin.

2: What nutrients are found in Phyto Greens?

Most notable are Chlorophyll, Protein, b-carotene, minerals, Vitamins B1 and E, fiber and choline which provides balance and sufficient nutrients required by the immune system and also provides better immune system protection to human.

3: What is the best way to take Phyto Greens?

Phyto Greens is best taken on an empty stomach, either 20 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after so that the food does not interfere with the digestion and absorption of Phyto Greens's nutrients. It is also best to mix Phyto Greens with either cold or room temperature liquids, as hot liquids will destroy the active enzymes.

4: Who is suitable for Phyto Greens?

Phyto Greens is a food supplement and is suitable for everyone, regardless sex and age, including baby and pregnant women. People with severe medical problems or complications should consult a health practitioner when introducing something new to the body.

1: What is collagen?

Collagen is the main protein that builds and connects body tissues, especially in the skin, muscles, bones, teeth, ligaments, cartilages, tendons, blood vessels of internal organs etc.

2: What are the benefits of collagen?

1) Skin beauty
2) Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and dark spots
3) Increases skin elasticity and hydration, leaving the skin more radiant
4) Strengthens muscle flexibility
5) Improves joint flexibility
6) Promotes healthy nails and hair

3: What are the benefits of marine collagen?

The structure of marine collagen is similar to that of collagen in the human body. Besides, marine collagen is free from the threat of animal diseases, for example, mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE). Collagen content in plants is also lower than marine and animal collagen.

4: How to replenish collagen in our body?

Collagen can be replenished in 3 ways - injected into the body, applied on skin or taken orally. According to researches, consuming collagen orally is the most effective way. It is because most of the collagen supplements are hydrolyzed collagen and it ensures a better absorption. Orally taken collagen is by far the most proven among the 3 methods of collagen replenishment.

5: Is PHHP Ophira Collagen a halal food?


6: Can men consume PHHP Ophira Collagen?

Of course! Collagen contain in the human body starts to decrease from the age of 20 regardless of gender.

7: Why are vitamin C and antioxidants added to PHHP Ophira Collagen?

This is because our body needs vitamin C to produce collagen to fight the aging process. Antioxidants help ward off free radicals and delay the aging-process.

8: What are the sources of vitamin C in PHHP Ophira Collagen?

Acerola, Roselle, Lycopene and Orange. Beside being rich in vitamin C, these 4 ingredients also contain high level of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, anthocyanin and lycopene. Other nutrition good for human include various vitamins (vitamin A & B) and minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium).

9: What are the benefits of vitamin C other than promoting collagen production?

Vitamin C is an effective anti-aging element, as it is a strong and powerfull antioxidant. It strengthens the immune system, promotes cell growth and speeds wound healing. It can also helps in preventing anemia, as it enhances iron absorption. In skin care, vitamin C wards off harmful ultraviolet rays, thus promoting whitening effects and lightening pigmentation.

10: Why is it recommended to take collagen at night before going to bed?

While we are asleep, our skin naturally enters a state of rest. Most of the cell restoration and renewal happen at this time. Our body, assisted by collagen, is able to carry out the restoration process comprehensively, living our skin better, brigter and more attractive.

11: How long does it take to see the results of PHHP Ophira Collagen?

If you consume PHHP Ophira Collagen continuously, you can see the results in 1 to 2 months. However, results may vary from individual to individual.

12; Will consumption of collagen cause any side effects?

No research has shown that consuming collagen causes side effects. On the contrary, it benefits the consumers.
13: I am happy that my skin has become more radiant and my fine lines have reduced after taking PHHP Ophira Collagen for 2 months. What will happen if I stop taking the collagen product?

Collagen deteriorates with age. Obtaining collagen from diet can certainly enhance skin condition, but there will not be any side effects even if you stop taking collagen supplements. The skin simply returns to the natural aging process.